how to inculcate & propagate untouchability to your children as apeculiar habit

please read the following in order to learn, teach, propagate & inculcate your children to practice & propagate untouchability. this article is also useful for the parents of the 3-5 year old children. also remember the famous phrase : walk the talk.

the process:

[1] if you send your child to a public or private or government school, always enquire & inquire about the dalit employees & their designations along with responsibilities.

[2] if you come across in your enquiry about the dalit employees dealing with preparation of food & water management, immediately talk to other parents of your child parents & boycott the school until the school management removes or transfers them to another department.

[3] never breakdown or back down until the concerned authorities removes or transfers the dalits from their occupation.

[4] if your child agitates or ask about the issue about dalits, explain & educate that this is a peculiar habit of us since many centuries & we have responsibility to carry on them in spite of any hurdles or roadblocks.

[5] don't think that you are acting alone. please read the article "Students kept off school to protest posting of Scheduled Caste workers in meal centre" published in the hindu. click the following link to read more & if possible take a print out & laminate it :

[6] don't lose your heart, if you are not from tamil nadu. make arrangements to shift overnight to any place in tamil nadu asap. this is only july. ahem!!!!!! so there is nothing to lose much.....

now a few questions :

[1] will you join in a petition for the dismissal of r.raju [ district revenue officer & holds additional charge as district collector ]. ohhhhhhhhh my god, am i asking toooooooooo much ???????

[2] since when discrimination is known as peculiar habit ?

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This work by maniac.vardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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