an open letter to jyothirllata girija

i have read your article "cartoons & consternation" [ link : ] published in the hindu dated july 08, 2012. let be frank, my sunday was ruined. before reading further, please read the following article published in the hindu dated july 07, 2012 "researcher helps telugu connect with their roots" [ link : ]. if you don't have time or interest please click the following 2 links :

why am i against your article & reason for this post :

i have only 2 phrases which dictate my behaviour & thinking :

walk the talk.
if i lift a finger against anybody, i am fully aware that there are at-least 3 fingers pointing to me.

an educated person like you must abstain from writing like these articles. it is a well-known fact that nearly telugu speaking persons can't read & write their native or mother tongue. if i were you , i will think seriously about it & take steps to rectify the anomaly. as an educated person, i would behave above regionalism, religion, casteism. i will think before making pun or poking at other language speaking persons. if i were able to write good english like you, i would have sent numerous articles which propagate, educate, cultivate & understanding between various different language speaking persons. otherwise, what is the difference between an enlighten & educated AND an uneducated person. i frequently scold whoever says i am an educated & behaves as a narcissism & racism. i would quickly the person on the spot to behave as a proper person.

the buck does not stop here, please answer the following questions honestly & without fear [ one caveat : you must have a broad mind ] :

do you think successive tamil nadu legislators have discouraged & restricted the spread of written telugu language among telugu speaking people in tamil nadu ?

why the tamil nadu legislators have made only tamil as a compulsory language ?

does the tamil nadu legislators fear that once more than 60% of telugu speaking persons after able to read & write demand sepearate state or reduce the the statistically number of tamil speaking persons ?

do you think tamilians since centuries are against spread of written & reading knowledge of telugu speaking persons ?

do you agree that in future all telugu speaking persons will convert to tamil speaking persons due the restrictions imposed by the tamil nadu legislators, educated élite & policy makes of tamil nadu. [ i hope you might by now understand the real motive & propaganda against spread written telugu ].

why did the hindu has accepted your article :

to please the egos of narcissists & racists who are against the hindi speaking persons.

to shift blame on you, since the articles published in open page are the opinions & views of the article authors only.

even after your request not to publish the article after reading the article "researcher helps telugu connect with their roots", the editor has published your article citing payment to you & terms & conditions.

my fears or consequences for writing this post :

tamil nadu government may initiate sedition proceedings against me.

tamil nadu government might block & ban this post url or the whole blog itself [ worst case scenario ].
even educated élite & fellow researchers of sagili sudharani shun, abstain to help & avoid her.
sagili sudharani might not be able to continue further research [ worst case scenario ].

a note to fellow bloggers :

please do comment on the issue only.
if you have against jyothirllata girija, please e-mail to her & abstain commenting here. [ you can find the e-mail id here : ]
you can also send e-mail to the hindu :

ahem!!!!! i rest my case here. 
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This work by maniac.vardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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