children's book panna is about pedophilia & pedophiles 9780143330769 0143330764

title : panna
author : kamala das
isbn : 0143330764
isbn-13 : 9780143330769

recently i have purchased panna after reading the brief outline. i have learnt a lesson. always read the books before purchasing. it saves you a lot of time & we will know whether it is appropriate for children specifically to girls.

why do i think that panna is about pedophilia & pedophiles ?

the 11-year-old panna blushes at the 41-year-old fish king proposal of marriage. panna does not feel shocked or confused ?
perhaps she is too young to think about the consequences or the real intention of 41-year-old fish king.

11-year-old panna does not magically reach the fish kingdom, panna is trapped by the lust of 41 year old fish king.

41-year-old fish king locks wind with a chain. fish queen justifies that wind creates a havoc for the kingdom & the people. the underlying message for the panna is you are trapped here forever. fish queen is probably shielding herself from the wrath of 41-year-old fish king.

there is no mention about the age of fish queen. isn't that strange ?

it does not end here, 41-year-old fish king changes panna brother into an eagle.

now the possible scenarios of the young girls reaction after they heard the story :

if the girl is brave enough, she thinks about a possible escape.

if the girl is not brave enough or did not understand the real intentions & implications :
she feels normal & embraces herself for the situation & eventually becomes a victim of a pedophile.
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