Employees who are internet savvy installed Firefox on their desktops/laptops. Due to the strong community for both Firefox and it's add-on's, employee have some power to have his way of dealing with websites or downloads. I wonder whether Google will ever support add-on's and also provide offline installer. Organisations worldwide might be happy with this browser.
There are many inherent advantages for Google only. The primary advantage, users cannot switch off the google adwords/sense. Advertisers are not happy due to the developments of add-on's and their prominance in Firefox. Google is losing money due to many add-on's. In fact, I switch off ads, adsense and javascripts.
Secondary, users cannot install whatever they want. I think this secondary advantage might push corporates allow to install Chrome only. But still until today Microsoft has not separated Internet Explorer and Media Player. In Linux, web browsing and web browser are not fully integrated as in Windows.
Until today, there is no "about:config" tweaking. You can find about this issue @ LINK.
The issue 16362 has been assigned as Won't Fix. Unless and until we can tweak Chrome, it is useless.
The End.

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