small theory about humans …..

I think we are no different from nature. Our earth destroys and creates life on an ongoing basis, i don't know for how more centuries. We, human beings are more on the path of self-destruction than creating.

We divided ourselves based on the customs. I always thought that when we were early stages of development of mind created chaos and anarchy. Our fore-fathers have seen what we might become and created traditions for everybody in their area. Since people were living in small groups and rarely meeting each other, every group has created their own customs.

Then we were started to migrate to other places and in the process we have picked various customs whichever we felt good. This process has led to the birth of new customs and consequently, may the birth of ethnic groups.

We have become aware of the fire. The life of us has changed forever. We want more and we have started to think very radically. By the time we have almost developed full intelligence, we are able to talk, the most destructive of all five senses.

We are killing and quarrelling among ourselves for regions and its territories. But, I would like to make an observation here. Lion, King of Jungle, defends it's territory. It and it's members kill to satisfy their hunger and preserve for worst times. It never kills any other animal for pleasure or fun. We want more, always not satisfied with what we have. This clearly set us apart from other living things.

Kings have come into existence. So the domination of the religion. Religious leaders gained prominence and power under the kings. At one pint of time, Religious leaders are able to control King. According to whims and wishes of religious leaders, the court of kings have corrupted to some extent. Agenda and Propaganda of Religious persons have become indispensable to Kings. Very few resisted and most of them did not stood what is right.

We did not stop at religion, we have started to further divide. Sects are born at micro level of religion. In India, Hindus are divided upon the basis of income and educational levels. Hindu's compromise castes [ group of people pursuing certain profession ].

Many countries are born due to the thirsty conquest of Kings for power and natural resources. The absolute power and their inability to control large regions led to the downfall of the kingdoms.

Many countries have divided among themselves on the basis of language, religion,etc. Even after many countries have got independence, we are still fighting for natural resources, supremacy of military, etc.

We did fought 2 world wars officially. We are waging 3rd world war which might not end in centuries. Religious extremism and ethnic cleansing are the two dominant tools used by various individuals and countries. The key to win third world war is intelligence. We should be able to pacify, listen and take action for public issues in a cohesive manner. We should be able to stop issues of extremism before they are created or we should be able to frustrate the plans at various stages. To make this possible, every part of the Government and it's citizens work together on real-time basis.

I don't know where I read or heard this :

Information not shared is just raw data, and it is mostly useless.
when Information is shared, it becomes knowledge.
When Knowledge is shared, it becomes Wisdom.

I hope we all become wise human beings one day.

The End.
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This work by maniac.vardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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