Indian Hockey player’s are not paid ?

My attention has turned towards hockey while I was going through online news.
I am shocked by the news about non-payment of salaries to the Indian players. For God sake, Hockey is India's national game. It is so insulting for Indians about their hockey player's begging/striking for their salaries by boycotting Balevadi (Pune) national camp on Friday. This clearly show the apathy of the Government and Hockey Federation Officials towards the game and it's player's. Indian Hockey Federation and Government has plummeted to new low.

I want to do some research about Indian hockey. Guess what, indian Hockey Federation website is under construction, LINK. And the last update is on March 18th, 2009 : LINK & LINK 2. Pretty outdated website.

The International Hockey Federation should an My attention has turned towards hockey while I was going through online news.
I am shocked by the news about non-payment of salaries to the Indian players. For God sake, Hockey is India's national game. It is so insulting for Indians about their hockey player's begging/striking for their salaries by boycotting Balevadi (Pune) national camp on Friday. This clearly show the apathy of the Government and Hockey Federation Officials towards the game and it's player's. Indian Hockey Federation and Government has plummeted to new low.

I want to do some research about Indian hockey. Guess what, indian Hockey Federation website is under construction, LINK. And the last update is on March 18th, 2009 : LINK & LINK 2. Pretty outdated website.

The International Hockey Federation should initiate a informal and cordinal dilaogue in the interest of the game.

The End.
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This work by maniac.vardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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