how to install MediaInfo-GUI on Debian GNU/linux lenny ?

What is MediaInfo ?

MediaInfo supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file.

MediaInfo is not included in Debian packages. I don't know why.

To install mediainfo, it requires 2 additional packages : libmediainfo0 & libzen0.

Please download all the packages necessary : MediaInfo-GUI, libmediainfo0 & libzen0. The link to download required files is HERE. I am using i386 as example. I hope you understand CPU types to Debain packages. Please download and install the packages which have yellow background in the following screenshot :

Debian packages generally have dependencies. So, if we don't install dependencies, it leaves the installed package unconfigured. So, to avoid Unconfigured package we install the packages in the following order :

Step 1 : Installation of libzen0.


Step 2 : Installation of libmediainfo0.


Step 3 : Installation of MediaInfo-GUI.


Step 4 : Use the program to find details of your media files.

The End.
Creative Commons License
This work by maniac.vardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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