narain karthikeyan wikiepdia profile :
runs :
karthikeya spinning mills ltd
a wind energy sector and many other companies in coimbatore
son of :
mr.g.r karthikeyan - former indian national rally champion winning south india rally seven times, managin trustee of psg and sons charities which runs psg industrial institute, psg polytechnic college,psg college of arts and science, psg college of technology, psg institute of medical science and research, psg hospitals, psg institute of management etc.
narain karthikeyan seems to be out of his senses by speaking against product endorsements by sports persons. why ? b'coz he is living in illusion & belives that there is no poverty like tamil nadu chief minister jayalalitha.
a simple fact : his financial is secure.
does all other sport persons in india are financially secure ?
i sincerely doubt whether he knows the ground realities of sport persons in the country. perhaps he should read news papers once in a while. he might come to know about the apathy shown by the government towards its sports persons.
so, do you think that sports persons should not involve in product endorsements ?

This work by maniac.vardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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