case study : irresponsible journalism : the hindu : part I

why do i think this a piece of junk & irresponsible journalism published in the hindu on july 31, 2012 : the tragedy of being in coach s11. no, i am not talking about the main article, but the accompanying table published in th newspaper under the head : burning trains. and to be more precise : why a.p. ? the state has seen several mishaps in recent times.

i thought to provide a link to view, but the hindu deliberately did not posted on it's website. how convenient ? or didnt i search thoroughly ?

however, i have a found posted in with the info as published in the hindu on july 31, 2012 on page 2 accompanying the article : the tragedy of being in coach s11.

Jun 6, 1990: 35 killed in an accident at gollaguda. : there is no info apart from the number of persona killed in the accident.

these accidents does not related to burnt coach of indian railways :

may 3, 1994: 35 killed as narayanadri express rammed a tractor in nalgonda.
september 24 ,1998: 20 persons, including 14 school children, killed and 33 injured as train engine rammed a bus near bottalaapalem village.
july 2, 2003: 18 killed when golconda express fell off bridge in warangal.
october 29, 2005: 102 killed when many coaches of repalle-secunderabad delta fast passenger were washed away in a flash flood at valigonda.
may 22, 2012: 25 killed when hampi express rammed good trains at penukonda.

the only accident that relates to the recenlty burnt coach of tamil nadu express is :
august 1, 2008: over 30 persons killed when flames engulfed five coaches of the secunderabad-kakinada gautami express near kesamudram railway station, ap.

before going any further, a fact about railways :
indian railways are divided into zones for micro management.

now, why i call it as irresponsible & worst journalism :

since when state are controlling & managing indian railways.
does a.p. government have any control over indian railways ?
out of 7 accident incidents mentioned, only one is related to recently burnt s11 coach of tamil nadu express.
why does the table only appear in the newspaper ?
why there is no trace of table accompanying in the ?

some links :

the tragedy of being in coach s11 :

the train accidents data [ originally copied from the newspaper ] posted on the website :
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This work by maniac.vardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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